Saturday, January 19, 2008

birthday party invitations

my daughter wanted a McDonald's birthday
party this year and wanted to use their invitations. i wanted to make them. we compromised. i used the McD polaroid pic. holders as the invitations!

all paper is just misc. from my scrap drawer that just happened to be the right size or close to it. the cake & present stamps are acrylic from the $1 bin at michaels. the "who, what, when..." stamp is a wooden one also from michaels ($1).

used SU markers to write info on invites, used sakura gel pens and glitter pens to color the images and embellish the scallops.

have a great saturday!


Crissy said...

These are adorable! Such a good mom to teach your daughter about compromise! =-)

Tina said...

that´s a wonderful and lovely idea!

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Great compromise! These are VERY cute! My girls are older now (10 and 11), but I remember those McDonald's parties fondly!!

Crystal Ware said...

Great invitations! These turned out fantastic and such great colors.

Bonnie said...

What fun invitations!!

Catherine said...

So cute! I hope she has/had a great b-day!

Cathrine StClair said...

Great compromise - they look cute!

Marilyn said...

Cute idea for invitations - they are great!!

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Greta colour combination. They look so fun & vivid! :0) Mel

Anonymous said...

CUTE! Really fun for a little girl. My dd is only 4. Her first party is coming up. Wonder if she'll ever ask for a McD party. We've never gone to Chucky Cheese. I'd die if she asked for that :D

Flabbernoogles said...

cute! What a neat compromise!