Saturday, December 22, 2007

clipboard gifts

here are some more gifts that i am giving this year for christmas. i thought that since daily we use clipboards at work, i would make some "cool" ones for every one of my managers.

i found the clipboards on sale at Wal*Mart for $0.25 right after school started. i picked up at least 20 of them because i knew that someday, someday, i would do something with them! and here they are!

i used DCWV paper to cover them (used rubber cement on the paper & board, then clamped together to dry w/ clothespins. when dry, i used exacto knife to trim edges, then sanded edges). used misc. ribbon to match each one at the top.

once again,

merry, merry to you!


Bonnie said...

Very ingenious!! Now put down that scrapping stuff and go do something non-paperish - can you do it- can you do it?!! I doubt if I could!! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Maria said...

Hi Jenn!

Those clipboards are wonderful gifts! You did a fabulous job. . .your recepients will surely love them!

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Your blog sister,

Crissy said...

Great job! Have a Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I just want to drop in and wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year. Hope to get to know you better through SBS2!

L.A. said...

Hope you and your family enjoy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Lori (SBS2)

Crystal Ware said...

Great clipboards! Mele Kalikimaka from your Hawaiian sistah! Best wishes for a craft new year.

Becky G said...

These are terrific!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Michelle Pearson said...

nice 25c clipboards! way to make them fun and cheerful!

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Those clipboards are GREAT gifts! What a good idea! Happy New Year!!

Flabbernoogles said...

Great idea to give them to your coworkers. And a steal at 25 cents each!